Good news is that I have made some real progress, most progress in months. Bad news is that I lost a big chunk of time to a fever with the chills and shakes. Or was is the shakes with a chill and fever?
Anyways, I'm not happy with where the current version is. I have pushed it much closer to release, but it still isn't where it needs to be.
So, excuses aside, I apologize for yet another delay, but I would much rather give you something that I am proud of than something that isn't ready.
My goal now is to finish the starting area and the first full day of gameplay, then push that out for release. For those that played the last version, you will be familiar with this - it will stop right when you leave town. I also will probably change my focus from improving the images to finishing the writing. I can then go back and add more images later.
No idea how long that it will take. Going to have a busy couple weeks, but I am still looking forward to a big chunk of free space coming up soon...
Thanks everyone.
As I said before, don't rush it, just take it as needs be. I look forward to seeing your next release and will be dropping in regularly to see how your getting on.