Friday, November 21, 2014

First Preview of New Art

Here is a preview of the updated art style.

I am currently using Daz Studio, but have now begun to work with Reality as my rendering engine within Daz. I like Reality so far because it allows me to rapidly create high quality images. This same image would likely take an hour or more in Studio, but using Reality it only took 15 minutes.

 This image is a basic character portrait. In RAGS, this would be a basic portrait for the PC and could be seen in the small portrait window, or in a larger form through an 'Examine Myself' action.

Let me know your thoughts on the general quality of the style. Enough detail? Too much? Too light? Too dark? How about the composition of the image as a portrait? Is this expression too neutral? I try to keep portrait images for players fairly neutral because I don't want the game to dictate the player's state of mind at all times, and if the portrait shows the player with a gigantic smile right after they have their lunch money stolen, it seems a bit disconnected.



  1. The portrait is nice, however, there are two things that stand out the bug me about it. The first being the eyes; they're too glassy looking for my tastes, but that's not a big deal. The second, however, is the large forehead... almost absurdly large I would say. If this portrait is going to be used in one of your games it might do good to touch that detail up. Other than that everything else about it is great!

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep tweaking it!
