Wednesday, November 19, 2014


First off, my apologies for the long, awful silence. Life became rather complicated over the last year, and my ability to work on these projects was extremely limited.

Thankfully, that has now changed!

I am back at work again, and there has been some progress. However, it may be progress on something unexpected...

I will be more active now, on the blog and in development. I have been working on Adventures, but also on a game with a modern theme. Both projects have a couple years of halting progress behind them. I tend to get stalled on one and then shift to the other, which helps keep me fresh.

My goal is to have something ready for release by the end of 2014. It won't be a complete, finished game, but it will hopefully be playable. That release will help me get your feedback before I spend too much more time on something that you may or may not even like!

Coming soon, I will be asking for basic feedback on some game design concepts I am working with. I will also have some new, vastly improved game images to share, again with an eye towards feedback.

More to follow soon!


  1. Glad to hear that you're alive and well! You're doing okay now, I take it?

    I honestly did not expect to hear from this blog again (I check other blogs and this one is linked to those ones... imagine my surprise!)

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to what you're working on and I hope things stay uncomplicated. Adventure is nice and all, but things are best left uncomplicated and without too much excitement in my opinion :P

    1. Thanks for your continued interest, and patience!

      Unlike last year, I don't intend to tease anyone with promises of content, and then silence. I'll do my best to maintain communication and actually get something playable out, ASAP!
